Tuesday, February 07, 2006


You mistakenly assume that if I “learn more about oppression and injustices” I would care. I know all about oppression and injustices. I am from South Africa, where I was an active part of the white minority who viciously oppressed the black majority. I watched neckings occur less than 1 kilometer from my house. You probably are unaware of this technique called necking, allow me to explain.

It is used to discourage rebellion by instilling fear. First you have to tie the black up, then you erect a small tower of car tires, build it up to the height of the black’s neck. Next you jam the black inside the stack of tires. You must make sure that the arms are tightly secured to the torso, otherwise the black will not fit inside the tires. And the feet should be bound as well, otherwise they can usually knock the pile over, which is unpleasant for the audience. If you haven't already un-gagged the black, it is best to do it now, the screams of horror and dread always heighten the tension and attract extra attention.

Then you drench the black in petrol (gasoline). You can let them scream for a while but not too long because if you overdo it, it can backfire and cause some sympathy in the crowd. (Perhaps these sympathizers would be members of your Justice club?) Then you light it on fire. But you must be careful not to stand too close when you light it because you could accidentally singe some hair, and then everybody makes fun of you because you can't do neckings properly. You cannot leave immediately because some vigilantes occasionally try to kick the pile over and drag the black out, which is stupid because usually these people just end up getting petrol all over their hands and burning themselves a little, but the black will still die in the scorched grass, so it’s extremely important to stay long enough to make sure that there is no hope of saving the black. But you should leave before the authorities arrive, this way they can claim that they didn’t know about it and that they followed proper procedure, and nobody has to bother with the inconvenience of being driven to the police station, being booked and then driven back home. Which is pointless and it always takes far too long. Besides, even if the police take their time to arrive, the smell is unbearable, and all the smoke from rubber and black skin is unhealthy to breath. I’ve only seen this done three times in my life, but I was watching very intently, so I feel quite confident about this description.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's a truly chilling description.