Thursday, February 21, 2013

Getting back in the mood

Still drunk, yes.  But the desire to write again is back.  Fueled by looming disaster, life ruining debt and eternal procrastination I want to write again, somehow not for anyone else this time but just for me.  I heard it takes 15 days to form a habit.  This is day one.

A commercial is on my mind today.

I decided to end pretentiousness so I purchased a Mitsubishi.

It's over!  If you have a pretentious friend just comment with the address.  For a low rate I will arrange for an ostentatious arrival at their most distinctive crib and with a subtle honk of the least obnoxious horn I will summon your friend to the driveway.  At the precise moment your pretentious friend sights my Mitsubishi, all their pretentiousness will fade away like the life faded out of your most high born hot blooded red-cheeked relative, 30 seconds later the cold white and dead stiff corpse that you can visualize now will be imprinted on your friends face.

Still drunk,
Not satisfactory,
Need records,
Health concerns are real,
I forgot to call my Mother on her birthday and she specifically asked me to that,
Can no longer read with both eyes opne post is gettiggng worse not better so will stop editing now.              

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